Reiki Level Two
Unveiling The Inner Teachings of Reiki.
Ready To Be A Professional Reiki Practitioner?
Okuden- The Inner Teachings
So, you have completed Shoden Training (Reiki Level One) and feel an inner knowing that you are ready for more, a deeper dive into the full system of Reiki. You intuitively know you are at yet another portal to discovering wisdom that lives within you. You have a desire to use this wisdom benevolently alongside the next layer of Reiki teachings to connect with yourself and the wider world.
Reiki Level 2 enables you to practice Reiki professionally. You may not be sure if you want to practice professionally at this stage and this is ALL GOOD. Some people set up professional practice and others don't. This training will be valuableto you whatever you choose.
Reiki Level Two (Okuden) is the next stage of your journey into the system of Reiki, the next stage of your journey into you, toward the truth of who you are. The truth which was awakened in the ceremonies of Reiki Level One.
During Reiki Level Two you will expand on your practice of using the five aspects of Reiki for self-healing, in addition to receiving and exploring three mantras and symbols to support you with strengthening intention and energy during Reiki treatments for yourself and others.
As humanity continues to navigate, process and alchemise the last couple of years, we need to build and nurture communities which have respect, compassion, autonomy and healing at their core. Reiki is one pathway toward this healing. Email Sarah with Questions or Visit Paypal to Book please include your full name and email.
There is no rule about how long one must wait before taking Reiki Level Two because each person’s path and connection with the energy will differ. When I was taking my trainings, I waited nine months between levels one and two. That was the right choice for me because I knew I wanted to get to know how Reiki was working with me and through me. I wanted to feel at home with the emotional and physical shifts which were opening for me after level one. Your journey with Reiki might be different from mine, my suggestion is that you do not rush to achieve the next level of training. BUT if you do feel that glittery attraction to delving deeper into Reiki then be bold and follow that desire!
Reiki is a relatively simple system yet it has the potential to help us excavate the complex layers of being human. Reiki is a journey home and deserves reverence. You have noting to achieve and nothing to prove with the Reiki system. There is no trophy or accolade at the end. What is available though is a profound, more compassionate relationship to yourself and your communities, allowing the inner glow of humanity to shine brighter. If you are working with Reiki daily or frequently each week since your first training and feel called to learn the next layer of this system, Reiki Level Two may be for you.
In this training you will learn, practise/receive:
A Reiki Level Two manual, lovingly written by me
Small group learning environment
Guided meditation and breathwork practices
Introduction to three Reiki mantras and symbols
Attunement ceremonies to receive these symbols
Information about the human energy system expanding on the Reiki Level One teaching
How to use the mantras and symbols in self healing practice and with clients
Practical applications of Reiki techniques for client sessions
Guidance on how to begin working professionally with Reiki and how to receive accreditation
Opportunity to practise Remote/Distance Reiki
Working with your healing team of unseen helpers
Information about how to further your Reiki Practice
Reiju (energy blessing ceremony)
Opportunity to access ongoing support from Sarah regarding your Reiki practice
Invitations to Sarah's in person Reiki shares to socialise with other practitioners
Opportunity for 20 minute call with Sarah during the 21 day clearing process
Certification as a Reiki Level Two Practitioner
This course is compliant with the Reiki Core Curriculum and National Occupational Standards. Some shorter courses (single day courses/ some online courses) do not meet with these requirements. Reiki Level Two enables you to work professionally in your own practice.
If you wish to work with Reiki within the NHS or hospices you will need to register with CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) and complete their accreditation protocol. Material taught in this training will support you should you wish to apply for the CNHC Reiki qualification.
I am looking forward to sharing the inner teachings of Reiki with you and supporting you to develop your practice. Email me to book or Visit Paypal to book with your deposit, stating your name and email address
TERMS -Don't Skip Reading Me!
Your place on the course is not confirmed until the £70 non refundable deposit has been paid.
No refund will be issued if cancelling your training with less than 14 days notice before the start date. If you have not paid your outstanding balance when cancelling with less than 14 days notice, you will be invoiced for the balance. The vendor reserves the right to pursue non-payment legally.
Should you start the training and leave during the course, no refund will be issued.
Course hours are 10.15am- 6pm on both Saturday and Sunday. There will be a 1 hour break for lunch, and we will pause for tea a couple of times too.
The course takes place around my home environment. I have a small, very friendly dog. He will not be in the garden room during course sessions, but he will be around the home during the course. Please consider if this is OK with you before booking.
The garden room training studio is insulated and there is heating. Still, it is a garden room so do bring an extra layer with you to be snuggly if your course is in the Autumn or Winter. The bathroom for students is in the main house.